
love your enemies

"if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
in doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." romans 12:20

the past two years have been particularly rough on me and my relationships with other women. i have opened myself up too much to too many women and they turned around and judged me, criticized my motherhood, and belittled me down to almost nothing. but through all of these hardships, i have been able to realize what is important in life. my faith, my husband, my son and my family. that is all.

relationships are tough. the older i get the more i know that it is more important to have a few true friends, than many fake ones. the military is notorious for meeting a lot of people many times throughout the year - and sometimes we relate to them because we are going through similar stories like deployments and detachments. but, be careful who you open yourself up to.... people make take what you have shown or told them and spread gossip to others while judging you and twisting things around. all of the "she said, he said" is so juvenile and it is so tiring time after time.

i have chosen to cut the toxic out of my life and move on with what is important to me. friends come and go, but family is forever.

1 comment:

  1. I learned the same thing as a Marine wife, and I carry that with me today. Cut the toxic people from your life, they aren't worth it. Love those who life you up and support you. Family is 4ever - and I'm so glad you are my family. Love you!
