
my son

every night when we say good night, i tell my son that i love him to the moon and back.... he says the same.

i have been spending a lot of time alone with kyler. i am fascinated by his hunger for knowledge and how well he picks up things. seeing him light up for the first time when he sees a giraffe or learns a new letter on his own makes all the struggles worth it.

we say our prayers every night after his bath. there is nothing better than the smell of a child straight out of the bath and in clean pajamas waiting to be tucked in for the night. he enjoys reading me his books each night and i miss him while he is asleep. i am thankful to God every day that he blessed me to by kyler's mother. it is like no joy i have ever experienced and what they say about your heart walking outside of your body in the form of a little boy is so true. and you won't understand until you have a child of your own.

kyler is the best thing to ever happen to me and i need to remind myself that each and everyday because if i blink for just one second he will be 18.....

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