This weekend we were blessed to attend the Rock Church Getaway for married couples. We were able to "get some" relaxation, peace and quiet, worship, notes, laughter, bonding and spiritual tools to strengthen our marriage. We met many other couples and made some friendships that will last for many years to come. We experienced a Christian comedian who was a breath of fresh air and it made me see how the bible can be funny and humor is a gift from God. We laughed until we cried at the comedian Michael Jr.
We heard from miles on topics that most churches are afraid to speak of. Dr Sharon may -the first white "African American" doctor that brought us the scientific and chemical balance that we find in only our spouse. We learned of how to tame our dragons when a conflict arises.
It was an amazing weekend and I am so grateful to my friends who were able to watch kyler so we could reconnect.
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